
May 2021 - May 2023

East Slovak Gallery x Kabinet design studio

What I have done


project coordination

art direction

PR & marketing

video direction

Who I collaborated with

designers Katarína Onderková, Tomáš Filo, Jozef Tušan

curators Štefánia Ďuricová, Miroslav Kleban

developer Marek Pivovarník

production support Viera Ballasch Dandárová

Art in the times of corona



We have done a lot of conceptual re-thinking during the national lockdown at the beginning of this year. The main question was how to open up the galleries to the wide public using technologies, that we already have? How to maintain the experience of regular visits, make people leave the house, and at the same time do something new and innovative?

While we don't have a permanent exhibition, we do have a permanent application. We have prepared the concept of the exhibition in the streets of Košice, which can be uncovered using our mobile app.

AR Košice modernism

The virtual exhibition AR Kosice modernism is a presentation of essential works from the collections of the East Slovak Gallery, which are connected with art events in the period of the 20s and 30s of the last century. Košice was a multicultural city during this period. Artists from various parts of the former monarchy worked here, which created a diverse art scene known not only for reflecting on the life and culture of the Košice during the first Czechoslovak republic but also for its social-critical discourse. The topography, architecture or history of the open multi-ethnic city are the attributes from which the Kosice modernism was born and created an avant-garde reference to the Central European cultural map.
