_done during my 2 months art residency for Creative Industry Košice

_also presented here On gender & AI: Why are so many robots female?

What have I done


data acquision

training an AI model

coding magic



apology (65).png

Excuse me never


I am sorry for being a long girl

I am sorry for being a little bit more whole and I am still anymore to get a little bitch

I am sorry for being a good friend and I wanna call the lol I do not know what to do with you all what you are on the first experience that has a baguette

I am sorry for being a long time and I do not want me any idea how to say to be able to get beer that you are there anymore in the most time in a car book

I am sorry for being so sad and I was just wanna know what to do with the house and you do not know how I am sarcastic

How much is too much


So if you are like me and apologize for everything, mostly when you know you shouldn’t, how do we fix it? How can AI be of a help?

This project explores the sociological phenomena of over-apologizing. Over-apologizing refers to saying, “I’m sorry” when you don’t need to. Apologizing too quickly can also come with social consequences—for example, many people argue that women are disadvantaged in the workplace by apologizing more frequently than men. The comedian Amy Schumer’s “I’m sorry” skit captures the phenomenon well, depicting successful women over-apologizing at an “innovator’s conference” to the point of absurdity. “Why are women always apologizing?” the Pantene commercial asks.

The idea

The idea was based on a Twitter thread by @NihachuEatsCats, where users started the sentence with “I am sorry for being” and let their keyboard finish the sentence. It usually resulted in pretty nonsense apologies like “I’m sorry for being a baguette.” Still, some of them seemed pretty normal, “I’m sorry for being a good friend,” yet unnecessary.

2021-01-30 17.20.20.gif

Generative AI

I wanted to hyperbolize the act of over-apologizing by creating a generative NLP model trained on these tweets. People’s automatic keyboards recommendation produced these tweets, so is the final model the AI of the AIs? Or a sum of distributed intelligence. Why not both?

2021-01-28 02.26.21.gif

The result

AIxcuse me is as an interactive website that shows you your unnecessary apology of the day. Your daily dose of unnecessary apologies, have as many as you want so you can stop doing that in real life.

In one sentence

AI generative model presented as an aesthetically pleasing interactive website with an emphasis on typography and color exploration.

As seen on Artwife 2023 in Liptovský Mikuláš, Slovakia

As seen on Artwife 2023 in Liptovský Mikuláš, Slovakia


The project was supported by Creative Industry Kosice and the city of Košice.

